Why use "What's on in Midtre Gauldal?"

"What's on in Midtre Gauldal?" is a gratis service for the promotion of events in .

Organizers can register and update their own events

As an organizer in "What's on in Midtre Gauldal?" you can:

  • Register your events totally free
  • Schedule multiple instance of your event (event repetitions)
  • Set up a festival with events within it
  • We share your event in the "Hva skjer i Midtre Gauldal?" facebook page
  • Show your event on the newsletter that it's automatically sent every week, totally free

Add an event here

What's on in Midtre Gauldal?

Are you wondering what happens tonight, for the weekend or when you come home on holiday? At hvaskjerimidtregauldal.no you get an overview of all the events that are going on - without having to look around on many different pages! With this overview, it will be easier to prioritize what you will be doing while the babysitter take care of the kids, what to find on the weekend or what you can buy tickets for; Whether it's for yourself or someone you love.